Tuesday, August 15, 2006

My Husband


theswain said...

Aw, ain't he cute....oh, wait, that's me!

Jenny said...

Mon Dieu! I can see where a Doozer fetish might come from...

Wingal said...

It's a good thing I'm alone with this picture...

Anonymous said...

Get off my husband yo!

Jenny said...

You know, bringing up a backhoe driver on this particular blog might just be asking for trouble!

Jenny said...

P.S. Sarah, this must be you!

I just looked at your nouveau blog.
Mon Dieu! Why does everyone blame me for starting these things??? Je ne said pas menage a trois jebe jebe. You should meet Wingal - you can commiserate...

Wingal said...

Being friends with you is certainly a point of commiseration, DeJongh-Butt. And I think there should be more backhoes on this site... though I will refrain from making the obvious comments. Hoes.

Jenny said...

Personally, I think there are already way too many backhoes on Midnight Margaritas. And I'm not even thinking about the Ho*s from Ho**land Security who I'm certain are involved by now. Hey there, boys!