Thursday, July 31, 2008

Happy day, Oh, happy day!

Today, I received the happiest email ever:

"Dear Illinois Residents

Bully Hill is happy to be able to ship our wines back into the great state of Illinois. From the time you receive this email until August fifth we will be offering a fifteen percent discount on any orders which equals 12 bottles or more. This offer is extended to IL shipments only. The 15% discount will be taken in our shipping dept. and may nor reflect in the online total.

Your friends at Bully Hill Vineyards"


Friday, July 25, 2008

The Wine I am Drinking

Okay, so this isn't a wine:

. . . but I have always wanted to try it.

yeah. It's not so great. I'm totally bummed. If you want a nice Summer beer, just get a Corona. I am so sorry Jimmy; this is poopy.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Puppy confusion, the Art of Reimbursement, or How the Week is Going So Far

I'm not sure exactly where to start this. It might be best to start with Tuesday when I attended the SLA (Special Libraries Assoiciation) membership drive party. It was bad. Yes, they had dessert, yes there was a tray of Greek food and a bottle of water, but they never actually said what their organization was all about and why I should join. Not to mention, no one spoke to me who wasn't planning on running for president next year. (Hint to Erika: Don't bother with it unless you have to). That dismal failure of an event followed by a glass of wine at a swanky hotel bar and shopping for my parents belated birthdays which I forgot all about and plagued by the impending doomishness of my mother's phone call earlier in the day telling me my father is going to have a stint put in his heart today because he's really not well has kind of flavored the week.

Yesterday, I made the Costco run for the museum's huge party tonight that I'm not really getting any credit for thinking up, because someone else actually went to the people who mattered and informed them it would be a good idea. I probably wouldn't have wanted the responsibility of taking control anyway. This mad dash to Costco and Smart and Final was followed by a politically charged book club over a the graphic novel "Persepolis." Of the novel, very little was discussed, of the situation discussed in the book, much was. However, the salsa was good and so were the strawberries.

Then this moring I confused Clifford by getting up early. It was so out of the usual that when Jim tried to take him outside to do his business he wouldn't go. In fact, he came back in. Jim had to pick him up and carry him outside to try it again. And it's cold in my neighborhood, but not downtown, so I'm dressed for downtown, but not my neighborhood which meant that with the copious amount of lemon juice I had to carry with me this morning I couldn't manage extra clothes to change into so I'm wearing my party wear. Despite Muni being on time I just had a hellish ride in on, Muni is apparently having switching problems and tunnel traffic is slow this morning. Doesn't really matter anyway because the 10 bottles of lemon juice I was carrying was not going to get up and magically transport me anywhere I wanted to be anyway. So I'm here, I'm dressed to party and I'm headed for coffeeville up the street. Any questions? I didn't think so. I'm just not sure I can face a third night of eatting hors d'ouevres for dinner again.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Wine I am Drinking

It was my anniversary on Monday. So a special night called for a special wine.

Another Argentine wine, Luigi Bosca Reserva ($18) is excellent. Malbec, apparently one of the more celebrated grapes to grow in Argentina, is a varietal originally found in France that has flourished in the Southern Hemisphere. Not as dry as I normally prefer, but nowhere near sweet, the Luigi Bosca has a nice spicy aftertaste. It was delicious with the traditional anniversary dinner of brie & paté.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Monday, July 14, 2008

New Feature: The Wine I am Drinking.

I think we need a new feature on here. So I'm starting one:

"The Wine I'm Drinking"

This weekend we bought a bottle of something that I called "Psychedelic Cow."

It's called, as I'm sure you can see, Terra Buena ($11). It's an Argentinian red wine and it is delicious. We had it with steaks with an onion, garlic, and blue cheese sauce, mashed potatoes and a brie & tomato salad. It really brought out the garlic flavor in the sauce the chef (read: the Larry) made. As most of reds I like are, it was dry and had a bit of spice to it.

So I say a nice A-.

The Move

Yay! We moved! Woo! We're still unpacking and I only can "borrow" internet in one corner of my new place (until tomorrow when the internet guy comes to my house and hooks us up with our very own). I have many other posts brewing over the last week and I'm trying to limit myself to only one a day now that I seem to be back up and running at home.

Who am I kidding? I don't run!

Anyway, here's some pictures of the home-front so far!

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Catch up. . .

I feel awful. I keep meaning to post all of this, but haven't had the chance. So I apologize but I have a lengthy one. . .

That's what she said. . .

Okay, so first off, we're moving this weekend (not far far away, just down the street) and we're packing everything in sight. Not even the pugs & cat are safe, which would also explain their new fear of boxes. So here we are, we've spent all day packing and moving wee things to the new place and we decide to sit down, have some wine, and relax as the day comes to an end. But there is one problem... someone, in her effort to be efficient and in her packing fury, has packed the wine glasses. Yeah.

Second. I have a new love. I have fallen in love with Purity by Philosophy.

It is a great facial cleanser and I really do feel like it has done an excellent job of, um, well, cleaning me. But I found another great use. I needed to shave my legs and forgot to grab the shaving lotion/gel/schtuff before I got in the shower. The bottle of Purity was right there so I figured "what the hell." Best. Shave. Ever. Hands down this was the bestest, most clean, smooth legs, shavetastic awesomeness. I can't afford it. But no, you know what? I'm going to buy myself more when I run out, damnit. It's just that good. It smells like heaven, like pure wet dew in the morning in the woods. I want to live in the bottle. If Wingal was here she would talk to my legs and face (as opposed to all the time she spends talking to my tits) they smell so good. If indeed I washed my boobies with it I wouldn't have anymore eye contact, but damn would my boobs smell great. Not that they smell bad. No, they smell great. But, I digress...

Lastly, and I have to apologize again, this one isn't funny (not that the first two were, but I've been drinking wine out of a tea cup what the hell do I know??) just sweet.

I was looking at pictures of my beautiful niece that the brother and sister-in-law posted on flicker and saw a resemblance that I had to share: