Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Or, as Boobarella and Wingal sing it:

"It's your birthday, it's your birthday!
What a great day for your birthday!
Bock, Bock, BOCK!!!!!!"

(Imagine us dressed as chickens.)

Have a great birthday!!!! I love you!!! Oh, and your package is in the mail... or will be just as soon as I finish drinking my coffee and hustle over to the post office. Stupid Christopher Columbus and his day of honor...


boobarella said...
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boobarella said...



boobarella said...

And why does Columbus get a holiday?


Jenny said...

Columbus, my ass. Today is MY holiday! Thanks for the picture of a cake, guys! And for the card, Boobarella - and for the thing that may or may not be in the mail, Wingal.

And ESPECIALLY for the image of you two dressed as chickens dancing around going "Bock, bock, BOCK!!!!" What a happy day!

Jenny said...

P.S. I looked at your website, Boobarella. I agree with the commenter who pointed out that "at least he gave us that city in Ohio". After all, if it wasn't for Columbus, where would we have held all our Senior Parties in college? Delaware? As IF. So I say, thanks Columbus, for Banana Joe's and drunk make-out sessions in the back of the bus at 3:00 in the morning!

Wingal said...

Yes, and water bottles of vodka and underage drinking and crazy parties at Deej and Al's and getting LOST and (Todd) Bethel Road... I think there's something in my eye... perhaps it's a little bitty tear.

Though we totally had good times in Delaware, yo. One word: Backstretch.

Also, maybe YOU had Senior Parties in Columbus, but freakin' Katie Crates was in charge of planning ours and we did NOTHING.

And I think you meant Banana Ho's...


Wingal said...

Also, ladies, not to take away from Jenny's birthday celebration, but I just received Moonracer's comments on my first chapter and he LIKED IT!!! A few suggestions for changes and improvements, of course, but for the most part lots of compliments and not a few exclamation points of approval!!! So it's a happy day all around. I reiterate from earlier:


Jenny said...

It's a freakin' holiday for EVERYONE!!! YAY!!!!

boobarella said...

yeah..happy day, I had to show someone how to eject a cd from their Mac today.....what a great day